After a brief ceremony held on Monday 12th February, 2024 to inaugurate the Fifth (5th) Assembly of the Ketu North Municipal Assembly, the Assembly was reconstituted for the election of a Presiding Member. The election was spear-headed by the Municipal Electoral Officer, Mr. Issac Otoo Ano after receiving nomination from Hon. Edward Seke of Afiadanyigba Electoral Area.

Apprising the House, the Electoral Officer indicated that a candidate who presents him/herself for election as a Presiding Member requires two-third (2/3) of all Members of the Assembly present and voting. Therefore, a Presiding Member for the House will require a minimum of 38 votes to be declared elected.

Upon the first attempt of voting, the results of the elections were twenty-one (21) NO votes and thirty-five (35) YES votes. Since the candidate failed to obtain the two-third (2/3) required votes, a second round of voting took place as mandated by the Model Standing Orders for MMDAs. The results of the second round of voting were seven (7) NO votes and forty-nine (49) YES votes.

At the end of the second round of voting, the candidate obtained the required number of votes and was subsequently declared Presiding Member-elect.

The Presiding Member-elect, Hon. Edward Seke of Afiadenyigba Electoral Area was subsequently sworn-in as the Hon. Presiding Member of the Fifth (5th) Assembly of the Ketu North Municipal Assembly by His Lordship Nelson Awuku after taking the Official Oath and Oath of Secrecy.

Addressing the Assembly after his declaration, the Hon. Presiding Member thanked the Members for the confidence reposed in him and assured all Hon. Members, stakeholders and the residents of the Municipality of his utmost commitment to ensuring the overall development of the Municipality by ensuring that the Assembly plays its oversight roles through the execution of planned programmes and projects of the Assembly.

He further called for cooperation and support for Staff of the Assembly and further entreated Management to work hand-in-hand with Hon. Assembly Members to expedite the development of the Municipality

The meeting ended with the adoption of the Ewe and English languages as medium through which the business of the House would be transacted.

Present at the Inaugural meeting were Hon. Assembly Members, Government Appointees, Jasper Adenyo (Secretary to the Assembly), Hon. Anthony Avorgbedor (Hon. Municipal Chief Executive), and Heads of Decentralized Departments and Units.