*Public Health Act, 2012 (Act 851)*
*Section 56(c)*
*Public nuisance
”Making loud and unseemly noises in a public space to the annoyance and disturbance of any other person makes one liable and any person who contravenes this act commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not more than two hundred and fifty penalty units (Ghc 3,000) or to a term of imprisonment of not more than three years or to both.”
*Note:* Environmental Health Officer/Unit as a Health Officer/Department of the District Assembly is mandated *”to assist in the control of noise”* (Reference: ”Local Government (Department of District Assemblies) (Commencement) instrument, 2009 (L.l. 1961 ), THIRD SCHEDULE (Regulation 4) sub-regulation *4* (2)-(hh) (ii).”
Brought to you by *Legal Team: Environmental Health and Sanitation Unit (0247688887)*