The Management and Human Resource Department of the Ketu North Municipal Assembly (KNMA) in collaboration with Ghana Ambulance Service (Dzodze) and Ghana National Fire Service (Penyi) organized a capacity Training program on First aid and workplace occupational health and safety on 29th November 2023.
The training formed part of a series of capacity-building programs planned for the year 2023 spanning all four quarters. It sought to reinforce and bridge gaps identified in a training needs assessment conducted in 2022.

Mr. Ahiawu Savior Kofi AHRM on behalf of the HoD of the Human Resource Department welcomed all staff to the training session and entreated them to make the best of the training to improve their knowledge of first aid and workplace occupational and health safety issues.
The Ghana National Fire Service and Ambulance Services conducted a joint simulation exercise on first aid and workplace occupational health and safety.
The exercise was aimed at assessing the preparedness of the services in responding to workplace emergencies and improving the skills and knowledge of the officers involved.
The leader of the team from Ghana Ambulance Services (DZODZE) also practically demonstrated to participants how to apply first aid at the workplace and home on chocking, bleeding, shock management, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

Fireman Daniel Kemeh of the Penyi GNFS led a team of instructors to educate the staff of KNMA on workplace/home-related fires, fire protective devices, fire safety, fire prevention and the triangle of combustion, types of fires, and their appropriate extinguishing media.

The simulation exercise involved a staged workplace accident, and the emergency responders were tasked with responding to the scene, assessing the situation, and providing first aid to the affected individuals. The exercise also focused on identifying potential hazards in the workplace and implementing measures to eliminate or mitigate those hazards.
Staff also received practical training on how to use portable fire extinguishers and wet blankets to put out fires.

The Ghana National Fire Service and Ambulance Services demonstrated a high level of professionalism and expertise during the simulation exercise. They were able to respond effectively and efficiently to the staged workplace accident, providing prompt first aid and ensuring the safety of the affected individuals. The exercise also highlighted the importance of effective communication and coordination between emergency responders and other stakeholders in the workplace. Overall, the simulation exercise by the Ghana National Fire Service and Ambulance Services was successful in improving the preparedness of the Staff in responding to workplace emergencies and promoting workplace occupational health and safety.